Oscar's birthday was last Friday and we had a wonderful day. His actual birthday was pretty quiet, but in hindsight, that was a good thing considering we had his party the next day (post to follow)
Oscar is such a lovely lad. He is doing pretty well with the potty training, and is talking so much. It is very cute.
He got a "village in a bag", a wooden toy for making pictures and a Kids K'Nex set from us. All small things, as we couldn't think of what to get him other than that. We are thinking of letting Father Christmas know about him needing a bike, in time for Christmas!!
For tea, we had Pasta Bolognaise as it is his favourite, and for lunch I asked him what he wanted, so he (and Jas) had bread, butter, cheese and ham!
In the evening, I spent time decorating his cake. I made a London Underground cake, which I am VERY pleased with. We had fun and games actually making the sponge, as my effort was a complete disaster. Span, however, had more success.
My left over sponge did not go to waste though. I had a brainwave on Friday afternoon about combining the sponge (which was fine, it had just sunk) and some stewed plums I had cooked the day before. I left it overnight in the fridge and then the following morning added some ready made custard, and just before Oscar's party, topped it with whipping cream. By the end of the party it was empty, so i think it was a hit!
Span's sister arrived during Friday evening and we had a nice glass of wine and a catch up. I think it was the calm before the storm!!