We are cloth nappy users. We love it. I have just had a discussion with Span to convince him that we need more nappies. However, I only managed to convince myself that we didn't actually need any... bugger! We use a combination of Motherease Sandy's and Kissaluvs, with a Fuzzi just because I love it! By jiggling our collection around a bit, we don't need to actually buy any more and with the distinct possibility that Oscar will start potty-training soon. Our tandem nappying days are drawing to a close.
I suppose its a good thing we didn't need to spend anything. I have just spent a fortune at Boden. Goodness I love that shop. www.boden.co.uk Their girl stuff is divine, I think I am developing an addiction... ho hum. Don't open the link if you are broke!!!!
My photo today is Oscar, this morning. He asked to wear his tractor t-shirt. First time he has done that. He really is growing up.
We all went with him to celebrate Oscar's friend Chloe's second birthday. We had a lovely time and Chloe got some lovely presents. Her birthday is the day after mine (Tues) so I got a mini cake too. I am saving it for Monday.
Jasmine tried cucumber sticks dipped in Hummous today. She loved it and cried for more.
1 comment:
cucumber sticks dipped in Hummous today... hmmm I'll have to try it sounds yummy. I wonder if cucumber will make Squidge burp like it does me.
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