Sunday, 29 April 2007

I need more time

I think I am suffering Sunday Night Blues. This is bound to be a bit rambly and moany. I just wonder if I am expecting too much from myself.

I am doing an German OU course, to help me get onto a degree course next year, I help at Brownies once a week. It takes all my time to get these all done. This week, for example, have homework for German, normal work for German, Brownies on Tuesday and planning on Thursday (in the pub though ) I won't get a night "off" until Friday.

I hardly get any time with Span and I am permanently tired, yet I feel bad that I am not pursuing other things that I have spent money on. I WANT to knit properly but I haven't the energy to practise, I have a sewing machine lying unused and I want to grow veg but there is no way I have the time (or energy), and I just feel guilty. Am I being lazy? Should I just get on with it? Can I ask any more unanswerable questions....?

Obviously, I can't do any of these things with the children, as I need to concentrate on them, and the house, which I do enjoy. But it wears me out by the evening.

On top of this, everyone thinks I have loads of time because I am a SAHM.
How am I going to cope when/if I get into Uni??

Anyone want to invent a time-machine for me so I can get more time?

1 comment:

Lindy said...

If you need a babysitter so you and Span can go out just let me know. Even if it's just a couple of hours for the 2 of you to go to the pub! I know how you feel though, too much to do and not enough time and I only have one!!