Wednesday, 20 June 2007

Not much to report.. but

... thought i should check in!

Had a brief attempt at potty training yesterday after yet another of Oscar's friends are potty training with success. He is only 2 years 1 month. Oscar is 2 years 9 months and 5 pairs of trousers later, I have truly had enough.

Nappies for another month.

Jas stood on her own today. Amazing, considering she only really started cruising in the last couple of weeks. The girl is in a hurry.

We did circus skills at Brownies last week which was superb. A great way to exercise and I realised that I am pretty close to juggling properly. Fab. I am alsmost tempted to get some juggling balls and practise more.

Right, must go to watch Trawlermen on BBC1. I love that programme. The pictures are beautiful. Will hopefully catch up later on.

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