Wednesday, 1 August 2007

Birthday cakes

I made two cakes for Jasmine. The chocolate one on her birthday was a last minute idea. I found a great Ganache recipe on Hannah's Country Kitchen blog (see Blogs I Read) and it worked really really well.
The second was a butterfly, for Jas's party. I loved it, but I was a bit unhappy with the buttercream icing as it was a bit too thick to spread properly. Next time I do it, I'll add water or milk to make it a bit easier to put on.
I also thought I'd add Oz's last two cakes to show what I can do....

As I have said many times though, these cakes are made with love, and not skill. I have great ideas, but not quite the skill (or patience) to make them professionally! And my ability to actually make a non-wonky, unburnt sponge is bad at the moment. I blame the oven.... (I wish)

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