Jas and Oscar were sitting beautifully together, so I thought I would get it on video.
Then Jas ran out of mash and demanded more, had a teeny tantrum, and then the following happened.
Please note, she is absolutely fine, bar a fetching carpet bruise (her second of the day) on her forehead.
She'll not thank me for this video, will she.
Thursday, 28 February 2008
Wednesday, 27 February 2008
Obligatory Earthquake Post
I felt it, but didn't realise until this morning.
Just before 1am I awoke from a dream. It was a relief, but I can't remember now what the dream was about!
Anyway, I was SURE that Oscar had got out of bed, and was poking Jas in the eye. This is a regular occurence, but not at 1am. In my half awake state I shouted at him to go back to bed, then realise that he wasn't actually there.
Then I convinced myself that we had a burglar and I was going to go down in the morning and find the house ransacked.
I was not bothered too much as I went straight back to sleep. Denial should be my middle name!
I was listening to Radiofive this morning and was gutted to have missed it, until I put the two events together and realised what I had felt!
5 years ago, I felt the earthquake that hit Manchester. I was fucking terrified as I was 7 floor up, near old windows which shock like crazy. It took me ages to get over it! Lets hope there aren't too many aftershocks.
Just before 1am I awoke from a dream. It was a relief, but I can't remember now what the dream was about!
Anyway, I was SURE that Oscar had got out of bed, and was poking Jas in the eye. This is a regular occurence, but not at 1am. In my half awake state I shouted at him to go back to bed, then realise that he wasn't actually there.
Then I convinced myself that we had a burglar and I was going to go down in the morning and find the house ransacked.
I was not bothered too much as I went straight back to sleep. Denial should be my middle name!
I was listening to Radiofive this morning and was gutted to have missed it, until I put the two events together and realised what I had felt!
5 years ago, I felt the earthquake that hit Manchester. I was fucking terrified as I was 7 floor up, near old windows which shock like crazy. It took me ages to get over it! Lets hope there aren't too many aftershocks.
Catch up time!
Extension Update: Les has been removing wallpaper and has filled the biggest black bin bag I have ever seen! It is so rewarding to get rid of the woodchip that has adorned this house for so long.
The bag could seriously fit 4 children!
We have also lost the tiles in the toilet... what a sense of relief. I don't think I realised how horrible they were until recently. Les found a very dead wasp's nest behind a wall. That took some removing and has been replaced by a concrete slab, so all is well. Lindy, just a note. These guys are soooooooo tidy. I am incredibly impressed by him. Apparently Span had to send Les home 10 mins early, as there was nothing left to do, and he didn't want to leave before his "finish time" of 5pm. Impressed is not the word.
Kids update: Children are doing fine. Oz was a bit poorly over the weekend, but is now fine. Jas is a peach. Her hair never ceases to amaze me, and her vocabulary is improving all the time. She actually says "please" or rather "pwleee" more than her big brother.
Skin update: I *think* it is improving. It isn't so red, and despite a few outbreaks, it does look better... just. I have been fortunate enough to be referred to the MRI already, and have an appointment in April. It is reassuring that I can speak to someone really qualified then, rather than my (lovely) GP who had to look in her Drugs Directory to check what I needed to take!!
Weight Update: I don't mention much about weight loss on here, as it is a personal thing for me. I am steadily losing weight, albeit slowly, but I am finally noticing the differences myself. It is lovely to be able to see this, despite my probable body shape issues. I am steadily on the wagon, and never seem to go off the rails, which I am very proud of.
Physics Update: Slow and steady, once again. Electricity is seriously boring, and I am concerned we are going too slowly. I have told my tutor and he said that I can start reading ahead if I wish. Nice. I pay for the class, and I learn on my own. It WILL all be worth it in the end.
So, Update now complete. I can look back and remember what I was up to on the 27th Feb 2008!!
The bag could seriously fit 4 children!
We have also lost the tiles in the toilet... what a sense of relief. I don't think I realised how horrible they were until recently. Les found a very dead wasp's nest behind a wall. That took some removing and has been replaced by a concrete slab, so all is well. Lindy, just a note. These guys are soooooooo tidy. I am incredibly impressed by him. Apparently Span had to send Les home 10 mins early, as there was nothing left to do, and he didn't want to leave before his "finish time" of 5pm. Impressed is not the word.
Kids update: Children are doing fine. Oz was a bit poorly over the weekend, but is now fine. Jas is a peach. Her hair never ceases to amaze me, and her vocabulary is improving all the time. She actually says "please" or rather "pwleee" more than her big brother.
Skin update: I *think* it is improving. It isn't so red, and despite a few outbreaks, it does look better... just. I have been fortunate enough to be referred to the MRI already, and have an appointment in April. It is reassuring that I can speak to someone really qualified then, rather than my (lovely) GP who had to look in her Drugs Directory to check what I needed to take!!
Weight Update: I don't mention much about weight loss on here, as it is a personal thing for me. I am steadily losing weight, albeit slowly, but I am finally noticing the differences myself. It is lovely to be able to see this, despite my probable body shape issues. I am steadily on the wagon, and never seem to go off the rails, which I am very proud of.
Physics Update: Slow and steady, once again. Electricity is seriously boring, and I am concerned we are going too slowly. I have told my tutor and he said that I can start reading ahead if I wish. Nice. I pay for the class, and I learn on my own.
So, Update now complete. I can look back and remember what I was up to on the 27th Feb 2008!!
Sunday, 24 February 2008
Extension Update
We now have a bedroom that we can access from the front window. Something I won't be repeating again. It scared the shit out of me going up (and down) the ladder. We have the circular brickwork done for the front window, and I think a lot of the insulation has been done too. I suspect out toilet will go soon as well. We just need to sort out logistics as otherwise we will end up toiletless. Even with planning it looks like we shall be the proud owners of an outside toilet for a while. I am NOT looking forward to a cold seat of a morning... argh!
Tomorrow, Les, our builders second in command, so to speak, is starting on removing the plaster on our stairs. This is great, but will probably be a bit more intrusive and awkward, as everything else so far has been outside.
We have just said a very very happy goodbye to our hall carpet. May it rest in peace. Sadly, I think it might have released some cat piss aroma, which will need to be cleared
Its all good though. It has been so quick so far. I just hope it continues. I have photos, and will try and upload them later, it just takes so long and I now have an awake Jasmine!
Just so I remember, we went to Staircase House, in Stockport last Sunday and it was good (if cold) I have photos. I have also recently done (a little ) walk around Fletcher Moss and I took some nice pictures of the flowers and river. I need to upload them too. I managed to walk 3.5 miles, twice. And once with Jas in the sling. My back has survived so far!!
Tomorrow, Les, our builders second in command, so to speak, is starting on removing the plaster on our stairs. This is great, but will probably be a bit more intrusive and awkward, as everything else so far has been outside.
We have just said a very very happy goodbye to our hall carpet. May it rest in peace. Sadly, I think it might have released some cat piss aroma, which will need to be cleared
Its all good though. It has been so quick so far. I just hope it continues. I have photos, and will try and upload them later, it just takes so long and I now have an awake Jasmine!
Just so I remember, we went to Staircase House, in Stockport last Sunday and it was good (if cold) I have photos. I have also recently done (a little ) walk around Fletcher Moss and I took some nice pictures of the flowers and river. I need to upload them too. I managed to walk 3.5 miles, twice. And once with Jas in the sling. My back has survived so far!!
Just another photo post
Sunday, 10 February 2008
Extension pics (and one of Oz!)
Just a few extension pictures. Hopefully they are in order, and give an indication how things have changed over the last 6 weeks or so!
I'm off to London tomorrow, with the children to escape the dust. It isn't that bad, but it is nice to have some time with the folks!
The first picture is a lovely one of Oscar.
I'm off to London tomorrow, with the children to escape the dust. It isn't that bad, but it is nice to have some time with the folks!
The first picture is a lovely one of Oscar.
Friday, 1 February 2008
So, for as long as I can remember I have had the odd spot. Nothing serious, just a few zits, which disappeared soon enough. Make up covered them, and I was never too bothered.
Around the time I got married, I started taking a lot of care over my skin, and got some over the counter treatment which worked wonderfully.
Then, I got pregnant, and for whatever reason, the stuff didn't work anymore, and since then, I have really struggled to keep my skin clear.
And since Jas arrived, it got really bad. I just assumed it was hormones, and that it would go away, but it never did. I visited Doc1 about a year ago, and he gave me cream, and some antibiotics, which did a good job, but not enough. I suppose to some extent I lost heart and apart from a repeat script of some cream, I have tried everything to keep it at bay.
And finally, last week, while at babyclinic, Doc2 said straightaway, "I think you have Acne Rosacea, make an appointment with me."
Okaaaaaaay, so why on earth didn't the other doctor see this? Argh. Since then, I have poured over websites and it is clear that this is what I have. I even had the characteristic irritable eyelid (who knew... I thought I had a rogue eyelash caught in my eye!!)
So now, I start a long course of antibiotics and face cream. I'm not a praying person right now, but I am so hopeful that this stuff works. Rosacea is something that doesn't go away, but it is managable. If this is what I have, I don't have to put up with the condition like I have.
Perhaps I can start to enjoy having my photo taken again soon. Or at least, not dread it as much as I have recently.
Around the time I got married, I started taking a lot of care over my skin, and got some over the counter treatment which worked wonderfully.
Then, I got pregnant, and for whatever reason, the stuff didn't work anymore, and since then, I have really struggled to keep my skin clear.
And since Jas arrived, it got really bad. I just assumed it was hormones, and that it would go away, but it never did. I visited Doc1 about a year ago, and he gave me cream, and some antibiotics, which did a good job, but not enough. I suppose to some extent I lost heart and apart from a repeat script of some cream, I have tried everything to keep it at bay.
And finally, last week, while at babyclinic, Doc2 said straightaway, "I think you have Acne Rosacea, make an appointment with me."
Okaaaaaaay, so why on earth didn't the other doctor see this? Argh. Since then, I have poured over websites and it is clear that this is what I have. I even had the characteristic irritable eyelid (who knew... I thought I had a rogue eyelash caught in my eye!!)
So now, I start a long course of antibiotics and face cream. I'm not a praying person right now, but I am so hopeful that this stuff works. Rosacea is something that doesn't go away, but it is managable. If this is what I have, I don't have to put up with the condition like I have.
Perhaps I can start to enjoy having my photo taken again soon. Or at least, not dread it as much as I have recently.
General Recent photos
Finally got time to update!
1. Physics is ticking along badly. I hate it. Seriously. The class is getting more and more disruptive, I have a serious problem with "mr sniff" and Electricity is too fecking hard. Bah.
2. Christmas was lovely. (god, I really am crap at updating) I was struck down by a stomach bug on Christmas Day evening, which was not pleasant, after all the excesses of the day. We (read Span) drove down to London the next day which was fine in the end, but I had stinky burps. Yuck. On a less disgusting note, it was great to spend time with my family, and we had a lovely trip with Oz to the London Transport Museum. New Years Eve was spent with a bottle of red and TT on the telly. Superb.
3. Extension. This got going early January and we are both stunned at how quickly things change. The shed and garage went, then we got a small digger which dug out a whole, which was swiftly filled with concrete. Then bricklaying began. They nearly bricked up where the patio doors will be. Thank goodness we are home a lot as these problems get ironed out straightaway!! Then, two days ago, our porch went, and scaffolding went up.
Things look great, and despite the weather, we think everything is going to schedule. Roll on summer.
4. O and J are great, if a little hard work these days. Jas has crazy, unmanageable hair. Oz is fully Potty Trained, which has amazed me. He went dry through the night just before Christmas and has had NO accidents, as of now. I am so proud of him.
So, thats the update. Its so hard to get round to typing, because this is the last on my priorities. I love and hate being busy all at the same time. I just wish I had the energy to enjoy things more.
Photos and skin update to follow.
1. Physics is ticking along badly. I hate it. Seriously. The class is getting more and more disruptive, I have a serious problem with "mr sniff" and Electricity is too fecking hard. Bah.
2. Christmas was lovely. (god, I really am crap at updating) I was struck down by a stomach bug on Christmas Day evening, which was not pleasant, after all the excesses of the day. We (read Span) drove down to London the next day which was fine in the end, but I had stinky burps. Yuck. On a less disgusting note, it was great to spend time with my family, and we had a lovely trip with Oz to the London Transport Museum. New Years Eve was spent with a bottle of red and TT on the telly. Superb.
3. Extension. This got going early January and we are both stunned at how quickly things change. The shed and garage went, then we got a small digger which dug out a whole, which was swiftly filled with concrete. Then bricklaying began. They nearly bricked up where the patio doors will be. Thank goodness we are home a lot as these problems get ironed out straightaway!! Then, two days ago, our porch went, and scaffolding went up.
Things look great, and despite the weather, we think everything is going to schedule. Roll on summer.
4. O and J are great, if a little hard work these days. Jas has crazy, unmanageable hair. Oz is fully Potty Trained, which has amazed me. He went dry through the night just before Christmas and has had NO accidents, as of now. I am so proud of him.
So, thats the update. Its so hard to get round to typing, because this is the last on my priorities. I love and hate being busy all at the same time. I just wish I had the energy to enjoy things more.
Photos and skin update to follow.
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