The bag could seriously fit 4 children!
We have also lost the tiles in the toilet... what a sense of relief. I don't think I realised how horrible they were until recently. Les found a very dead wasp's nest behind a wall. That took some removing and has been replaced by a concrete slab, so all is well. Lindy, just a note. These guys are soooooooo tidy. I am incredibly impressed by him. Apparently Span had to send Les home 10 mins early, as there was nothing left to do, and he didn't want to leave before his "finish time" of 5pm. Impressed is not the word.
Kids update: Children are doing fine. Oz was a bit poorly over the weekend, but is now fine. Jas is a peach. Her hair never ceases to amaze me, and her vocabulary is improving all the time. She actually says "please" or rather "pwleee" more than her big brother.
Skin update: I *think* it is improving. It isn't so red, and despite a few outbreaks, it does look better... just. I have been fortunate enough to be referred to the MRI already, and have an appointment in April. It is reassuring that I can speak to someone really qualified then, rather than my (lovely) GP who had to look in her Drugs Directory to check what I needed to take!!
Weight Update: I don't mention much about weight loss on here, as it is a personal thing for me. I am steadily losing weight, albeit slowly, but I am finally noticing the differences myself. It is lovely to be able to see this, despite my probable body shape issues. I am steadily on the wagon, and never seem to go off the rails, which I am very proud of.
Physics Update: Slow and steady, once again. Electricity is seriously boring, and I am concerned we are going too slowly. I have told my tutor and he said that I can start reading ahead if I wish. Nice. I pay for the class, and I learn on my own.
So, Update now complete. I can look back and remember what I was up to on the 27th Feb 2008!!
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