Wednesday, 12 March 2008

Extension Malaise

Gah, why does it have to take so long. I am tired of it. The disruption, the noise, the dust, the lot.

Yesterday morning, at around 9am, while I was at my Physics class, we finally lost our toilet. No, it was not removed by obsessive aliens, but removed to make way for our new entrance to our new bedroom.

We now have a lovely new toilet in our brank spanking new water closet downstairs. Except, it has no wall, no door, and no light, and entry requires turning the alarm off at night. It sucks. I dread every toilet trip as the seat is like ice. And this will go on for a few days yet. We can't even get the last window in to make it warmer as the damn scaffolding is in the way, and we can't take that down until the rendering is done. And we can't do that until we will get some clearer weather forecast for 3 whole days.

Have you SEEN the weather round here. ARRRRRRGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH

Other events of note over the last week include:
1. Finally deciding floor in new bit was at the wrong level (no one's fault, really), and confessing all to builders last friday. To cut a long story short, floor was lowered on the Monday, with no problems, apart from a weekend worth of worry.
2. Builder L going through the plasterboard where the bog used to be. Apparently saved by his crown jewels and a wooden joist. Les is fine, if a little embarrassed.
3. Builder T nearly doing exactly the same about 3 hours later.
4. Builder L knocking through old bathroom, into new, and breaking small pane of class in front door at same time, thus making all other dust protection methods useless, thus causing a vacuum which caused A LOT of dust to coat everything in it's path on the ground floor.
5. Did I mention the toilet....?

It WILL be worth it, It WILL be worth it, It WILL be worth it.

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