Wednesday, 30 April 2008

Lovely day at the Farm

We went to Farmer Ted's today. I've only ever been at Christmas when it is freeeeeezing, so it was nice to go when it was milder. That said, it was still a bit cold... where is summer?

The children didn't stop. We had soft play, then we went to see the animals and then had a quick play in an outdoor play area. Then we stopped for lunch.

After lunch we had another brew, and then played on the other climbing frames, big activity hall, sand pit (very large) go-karts and a model cow which you could "milk" and water came out. (hysterically funny) Then we went on the tractor ride (Oscar was asking about this ALL day)

Oscar was funny though. He was playing on the ride ons while Jas was on the swings. While he was in there, there was a pre-school group there too. Although, I looked round and everyone had gone. Oscar was no longer where he was supposed to be. Thank goodness I had a hunch. He was happily in the giant sand pit, with the group. He did the same thing a few minutes later, and followed them from the sand pit, and I found him amongst the group AGAIN, with the animals.

I am convinced that he just heard an adult tell him what to do, and he did it. He is probably so used to being part of a crowd of children, with childcare workers around that he just went without thinking. What a plum!

I'm really glad that he was happy socialising but I wish I could just have some kind of satnav on him. It was like he was attracted to groups of children, as I found him with the Llamas later on!

There is SO much to do there, even I would be happy going back soon, but maybe in June now, once my damned exams are done! And perhaps then we can enjoy even better weather

Jas loved puddles. She finally got to test out her welly boots (after jumping in with her shoes before any of us could stop her. I was locating Os at the time! Both of them behaved pretty well today and I am very proud of them. They ate their lunch, were nice to other children they met, and played independently and confidently. At one point, while I was finishing my lunch, I noticed my two were the only two at the very top of the soft play castle thing. Perhaps that was slightly foolhardy...

Ah well, I'm gushing now, but they are lovely. :)

Tuesday, 29 April 2008

Charger has been found

I thought that the fact that my mum hadn't mentioned that I'd left the charger behind, that it wasn't there. But it was.

Either mum told me, and I completely didn't listen (highly possible) or she hasn't actually told me (she says she has and again, highly possible!)

As it turns out, we left it behind the last time we stayed, I think they sent it back, and I promptly left it behind again! The words memory and sieve come to mind!!

I seem to be adding many more "Silly moments" tags at the moment. I hope it is just a coincidence!

Monday, 28 April 2008

Tea lady!

I've just made drinks for 10 people. Crazy.

2xwater for children
2x tea for Span and me
3xtea, 1xcoffee for builders
2xtea for gardeners.

I guess chosing to make a brew when the heavens opened just now was bound to stop work and have people wanting tea!

We've also had the cleaners in this morning. I feel very lazy. I feel like we have all these people all these things for us, and perhaps we should do more. Yet I am Chief Child Care Provider as well, so that must count for something! And I've done 2 loads of washing. One load done twice. My only guess is that the cleaners turned it on while wiping it. It had finished when I went to town earlier, but by the time I got back it was running again.

While we were out I decided to get Oscar's hair cut. I opted to have a bit more than usual cut off, ready for the summer (yeah, right... sunny skies R Us..) Its made it look a little straight and weird but I actually like it, and it makes him look so grown up. Pics to follow when we can locate our battery charger.... eep

As Lindy and Teddy will know I was suffering with a tummy ache on Friday. Didn't stop me drinking, mind you! But, unfortunately, the booze didn't numb my tum. For those of you keen on updates, it seems to have calmed down a lot after a horrible day yesterday. Docs can see me tomorrow morning (no Ivy then, again :( ) and I should get a few answers to my concerns then. Its nothing serious, I'm pretty certain of that,, but seems to come on without explanation and I want to know what I can do to stop it coming again (apart from give up my beloved beer, which I did nearly 2 years ago now) I am on new meds for my skin, so I wondered if I might be suffering a side effect from that. I had a day off the drug yesterday and started again today. Its an antibiotic so I don't want to mess around with it too much, otherwise I'd stay off it another day.

I have a nice busy week this week. Farmer Teds on Weds (all welcome, BTW) I'm hopefully meeting some forumites I know, but all are welcome, despite the shite weather predicted! Then, the plan is possibly to join B and L at the Bodyworks. But I need to confirm with Teddy if she minds putting the children to bed for us, as Span would like to come too. And then all my Physics, revision, Brownies, housework, that the cleaners don't do, and clear up after the builders who MIGHT BE DONE THIS WEEK. (She says without getting too excited this time!)

So, what was meant to be a small update has turned into a long ramble, as usual.

This post is dedicated to my fab sister who had her first Midwife final today. Bec, if your watching my love, I'm sure you nailed it. (())

Saturday, 26 April 2008

Not too overhung

Which is fantastic. I am SO glad that I managed to avoid getting too ill! I downed 2 pints of water before I went to bed, so hopefully that helped.

The benefit of no hangover was that we have been to get the children some bikes. It was a lot easier than we thought to find them. We got them at Decathlon, and Jas's was under £20. Pics will obviously follow, but not yet. We had to put the bikes together, and despite my severe short patience I did it relatively quickly.

Jas had a Heeyuge tantrum in the shop because I took the football away to be paid for. Oh. My. God. She screamed ALL the way home. Needless to say, she is now asleep.

At one point, she was making a fuss, so I went through the exit doors and waited for her to come. Unfortunately, she didn't and the automatic doors shut. But, because she is so little she didn't set the sensors off to open the door again! So, she was crying one side of the door, and I was standing relatively helplessly on the other. I didn't want to leave in case she went into further meltdown!

Thankfully, Decathlon was busy, so someone soon came out and activated the doors! Failing that I would have got someone to go round to set them open. And Jas was so distraught anyway, she didn't panic. So, once the children wake, we'll take them for a little ride on their new toys. :)

Friday, 25 April 2008

Yay! Its friday.

And even better it's the last Friday of April so I get to out and play (aka drink wine with my friends!) I need it today. I've been so busy with Physics, the children, being a little under the weather and builders who have still.not.quite.finished.

I love the fact that once a month, I get to drink whatever I want, in the pub, and not fret about it. We chat about everything and anything and as my mum would say "put the world straight"

Sadly one member of the fishwives will not be in attendance this month, and she shall be missed. I hope she doesn't have too much fun without us ;)

These days, I write the Saturday off as I am usually hungover. Is that bad? Who knows!

Monday, 21 April 2008

Recent Photos

I thought it was time to add a few recent photos to the blog. I've just been taking random photos of the children, mostly and although I'm not entirely happy with them (the colours don't look right, to me. The flash makes everything pale, but without it, it is blurry) I think the children look gorgeous (biased? moi?)

So, here they are...

Jas came into the living room sucking on this Purple Sprouting Broccoli. Sadly I didn't get a brilliant shot of it, but I was so impressed, as it is a strong flavour. She tried asparagus yesterday and loved it, too. Oscar on the other hand is a fussy wotnot.
Oz laughing at me playing a game that Jas has invented called "night night"
Oz got in the cot with her. She wasn't as bothered as she looks in this photo.
What ya doing mum?
Nice pic of the boy
Jas's hair went straight for a day, as it had been up. Unfortunately she was getting over a bug that day, so wasn't looking her best.
Watching something on the PC
Ready for your close up??
Jas found her hat and scarf

At Ben's birthday party, a couple of weeks ago.
At the airport. It was effing freezing... for a change

She looked like a smurf

Friday, 18 April 2008

First reserve - Nothing changes!! aka A tale of great woe

So, today, when the postman arrived a special letter arrived (for us) I opened it and I first devastation hit, but then.... wait.... a little blind optimism thrown in, just to keep me on my toes...

Before I tell you what was in the letter, I feel the need to tell you a story!

When I was 10, I applied to attend Private School. This meant, if I got in, I had to leave my primary (middle) school a year earlier than everyone else. This was because I was educated within the London Borough of Harrow, where High School starts at "rising 13" now known as Year 8, a year later than most LEAs. is the link that best describes it.

Before I had found out whether I had got through, the schoool announced the annual school trip. Because I wasn't at this stage, in my final year, I was not able to be automatically given a place, but had to sit through a "pulling out of a hat" assembly to see who from the "second to last year" would be given a space on the 5 day holiday.

So, predicatably enough, to my serious dissappointment, I came out 3rd reserve. I don't think I cried more than I did between that day and the school leaving on the school trip. My misery was compounded by the fact that over the course of the next 4 months, not only did I get the place at Private School, but also, 2 children dropped out of the trip, making me first reserve.

Never have I wished illness on anyone more than I did that last week. I had been reassured by various teachers that on several occasions people were offered places at the last minute, but alas, not me. So I cried more.

So, instead of staying in some crummy hostel in North Wales visitng such delights as Bedgelert, Snowdon and slate mines, I went on day trips to London instead (except the first day there were tube strikes so we played sports in the local park... nice) I had a nice time, I have to be honest, but it wasnt the same. And the following year, I was relatively happily esconced at my new school so clearly not able to go!

I don't think I have ever really got over it. Obviously, it hasn't been the end of the world, and I have been to some great places, including North Wales, but I tell you, i was the first to get my letter in about going to Holland with my new school 2 years later! Definitely no homesickness for me.

So, why tell this tale of woe?

Today's letter was about a Nursery Place for Oscar. You can guess what place he got? Yep, we are FIRST on the waiting list.

In actual fact, this particular nursery is apparently the best (I'm yet to visit) but I chose it because it offers full time places. We will get a place at our local school, but as they only offer part time, it would have implications to our costs next year.

So, reassure me people..... will Os get a space?

Tuesday, 15 April 2008

From the ridiculous to the sublime

I watched this show "Chinese School" just now, on BBC4.

It was excellent and from my point of view, an excellent insight into life in China, away from Hong Kong and the other big cities.

Their children work SO hard, and are put under so much intense pressure when they sit their exams. I honestly thought A levels were hard! They are nothing compared to the Chinese exams. One girl took part in a Speech writing competition, and her English was embarassingly good. And, the day after they finished the exams, they had to go in to school and sit there and go through the answer sheets and decide how well they thought they had done. Surely that would be torturous as your mind plays tricks with you after any exam!?? The girl who did best in the whole region (94odd%) was in tears at all her mistakes.... That cannot be right, poor thing. But the marks they come up are given to prospective universities, so they must be very important!

They also showed some younger children in the towns schools, who are seriously cute, and come out with some wonderful things. However, they do go to a boarding school, and my heart was breaking for the youngsters being away from their parents for so long. I just couldn't do it. I think I might just be ready once they are 18!!!!

I would recommend the series to anyone, and it should be on BBCIPlayer. (Have you discovered this? It is brilliant.


Have you been rickrolled yet? Well, I've been done twice now, the cheeky feckers.

Its a horrible windows program that is a absolute sod to close down. It is SO annoying that I am not even going to post the damn thing here. It isn't that serious, but very annoying, especially as Span just laughed as the Rick music just started up!

Changed my settings a little

This post is dedicated to my friend Byrney who has never been able to post a comment on my blog! I had a think about it yesterday and twigged that it was my settings that could be wrong. So, I think anyone can comment now.

Needless to say, if a load of weird comments appear, I'll have to change it again!

I have to plan for Designer Badge at Brownies tonight. Cannot be arsed, but it has to be done. And our printer isn't working either. Bums.

Monday, 14 April 2008

Wallpaper swimming before our eyes!

Oh my goodness. I spent last night looking for "funky" wallpaper for our bedroom. I have looked at HUNDREDS of them online, and NONE appeal to both me and Span. We both went to bed with images of wallpaper whizzing in front of our eyes until we nodded off! Weird.

We're looking for a purpley/aubergine background, with a light motif on it. We did find a beautiful Sanderson one, but it wasn't quite as nice in the "flesh" Bums.

For our living room, we've found "the" wallpaper, but now we have to find some curtains, a chair, soft furnishing and flooring. I am bored already!

On a less dull note, we had a lovely weekend and went to the local pub for dinner yesterday. It was very pleasant, especially as we made it there before 12.30, so got a seat, and served very quickly. I had two glasses of good wine, and it knocked me out for the afternooon!

Poor old Jas has had a tummy bug since Thursday, but she is back to normal today. She woke us up 3 times on Thursday night, and had 3 changes of clothes. Poor lamb. She did not like going hungry, and missing out on her milk. Her appetite is pretty much back now, so hopefully she is clear. We just now have to wait and see if the rest of us get it. Nice.

We have no builders today. They are all out on other work, which, after 3 months is WONDERFUL. They'll be back tomorrow, and it looks like they'll be done for good fairly soon. It is going to be so weird to NOT have people around all the time. I am slightly concerned that now that the big jobs are done, the little ones might take slightly longer to do, but hopefully that won't happen. They are good blokes and have worked really hard. We are suitably impressed.

Wednesday, 9 April 2008

Span used to move in famous circles

He will kill me for this, but while googling himself, he found this

He never told me about meeting Ken. I knew he had been on TV (We have the video) but that was it.

He he

Other things we've been up to. Part 2

So, the children, despite their serious protestations WERE tired. The wet pants, crying and general grumpiness gave them away!!

Here are some of the pics of our trip to London. On Easter Sunday morning I went to Heathrow to try and see the new Airbus A380. It was a pleasure driving that morning as the roads were so quiet. It took me less than half an hour. Bliss. Unfortunately, as I expected the runway gods were not holding out for me and the plane left from the opposite runway to where we were. So, although I did get to see it, it was so far away I still couldn't tell you how big it was compared to, say, a jumbo. I'm glad I went as Oscar loved it, and I was feeling a little guilty for "deserting" him later on in the week.

These next ones are just O and J looking lovely. I think they were taken on Easter Sunday.

These are of London, just in case you didn't know! ;)

And these are of the aquarium. I think Jas enjoyed it. It isn't really my cup of tea, as fish are never going to be favourite things. Unfortunately, I didn't get a picture of the very tame rays they had, for fear of Jasmine launching herself into the tank! One of them was doing a lap of honour getting a tickle from all of us. His mouth was open and everything. Seriously pimping himself for attention, methinks!

Finally, once I got back from the big smoke, I took the children to Bruntwood Park to enjoy the (currently) untypical sunny day we had last week. We all really enjoyed it. It does have a cafe, toilet facilities and a huge amount of land to run about in. I fully intend to go there for picnics in the warmer weather, especially as it only cost £1 for two hours parking. Another cheap day out! The under 7s play area is small, but ideal for littlies and Oscar went into the hut on top of the climbing frame and shouted "ice cream" He then sold me one for "ten pounds" Expensive eh!
Jasmine also had a tumble down the slide. I watched her go down head first, and thought she would be fine, but she went head down into some wet woodchip. She cried, but was unharmed, if a little shocked. I'm afraid I laughed, but I knew she was fine really.
Lindy, when you read this, have you been yet? We should go.

I think that is about it for now. Until I remember something I forgot.

Other things we've been up to.

We've had a busy few weeks. We spent Easter with my folks in London. Jasmine and I stayed on for a few extra days, as it seemed silly to come back to such a chaotic house, when theirs was (slightly!) more organised! (he he) Oscar came back with his Dad as he was due in Nursery and we would have to pay regardless of his attendance.

We had a lovely time, and on the Tuesday Jas and I went to the London Aquarium. She loved it, but my god it was expensive. It cost £13.50 for me to get in, free for her. We queued for 20 mins as there was ONE person on the tills. Can you believe it? The only good thing about this was that it wasn't actually too busy in the museum as the big queue was completely deceptive. Thankfully it wasn't as big as the queue for the London Eye.

We've also had B's 3rd birthday party which was great fun, as well as I's blessing day in Sheffield. Both kept us busy last weekend. We went over Snake Pass on Sunday for the blessing and it was so snowy! Not what you expect in April.

I was going to update more, but world war 3 is about to break out here. Oh joy.

Extension Update - Nearly There (I think)

The 3 weeks is up on Friday. To be honest, I think there is still a little bit more to be done over the next few weeks. but it looks like most things are done now.
They are doing the door frames (arkitrave... or however you spell it) and skirting boards with this funky big saw. Span was lusting after it the other day, but it just looks like any other tool to me!
So, pics then
New extended dining room, with toilet to left
Entrance hall
Entrance Hall again

New living room

Extended dining room
New hall, with Jas
Extended Dining room, with entrance to new living room
New living room, toward the back garden

New en-suite sink. It isn't blue, that is just protective film over white cupboards
the dust. This is my phone that ended up in the washing machine at xmas... ho hum. It has been sitting on our kitchen window ledge and has collected lots and lots of dust. I ran my finger over it to see the difference. I'm not weird... honest.
New bedroom, from en-suite
New family bathroom... window was put in yesterday, and plasterboard is on. ALL TILES HAVE GONE. Halleluyah.

I'm still figuring out how to get these photos in the right order, without throwing the damn computer out the window, so you'll just have to make do with the order I've got!! Argh.