Monday, 28 April 2008

Tea lady!

I've just made drinks for 10 people. Crazy.

2xwater for children
2x tea for Span and me
3xtea, 1xcoffee for builders
2xtea for gardeners.

I guess chosing to make a brew when the heavens opened just now was bound to stop work and have people wanting tea!

We've also had the cleaners in this morning. I feel very lazy. I feel like we have all these people all these things for us, and perhaps we should do more. Yet I am Chief Child Care Provider as well, so that must count for something! And I've done 2 loads of washing. One load done twice. My only guess is that the cleaners turned it on while wiping it. It had finished when I went to town earlier, but by the time I got back it was running again.

While we were out I decided to get Oscar's hair cut. I opted to have a bit more than usual cut off, ready for the summer (yeah, right... sunny skies R Us..) Its made it look a little straight and weird but I actually like it, and it makes him look so grown up. Pics to follow when we can locate our battery charger.... eep

As Lindy and Teddy will know I was suffering with a tummy ache on Friday. Didn't stop me drinking, mind you! But, unfortunately, the booze didn't numb my tum. For those of you keen on updates, it seems to have calmed down a lot after a horrible day yesterday. Docs can see me tomorrow morning (no Ivy then, again :( ) and I should get a few answers to my concerns then. Its nothing serious, I'm pretty certain of that,, but seems to come on without explanation and I want to know what I can do to stop it coming again (apart from give up my beloved beer, which I did nearly 2 years ago now) I am on new meds for my skin, so I wondered if I might be suffering a side effect from that. I had a day off the drug yesterday and started again today. Its an antibiotic so I don't want to mess around with it too much, otherwise I'd stay off it another day.

I have a nice busy week this week. Farmer Teds on Weds (all welcome, BTW) I'm hopefully meeting some forumites I know, but all are welcome, despite the shite weather predicted! Then, the plan is possibly to join B and L at the Bodyworks. But I need to confirm with Teddy if she minds putting the children to bed for us, as Span would like to come too. And then all my Physics, revision, Brownies, housework, that the cleaners don't do, and clear up after the builders who MIGHT BE DONE THIS WEEK. (She says without getting too excited this time!)

So, what was meant to be a small update has turned into a long ramble, as usual.

This post is dedicated to my fab sister who had her first Midwife final today. Bec, if your watching my love, I'm sure you nailed it. (())


Lindy said...

Sounds like you have a lot going on- I hope the builders leave soon!!
Can't wait to see all the photos you've taken recently. Hope it's good news at the docs.

We'll miss you at Ivy- Squidge loves the singing there so I try not to miss it.

I'm planning on going to Blue Planet on Wednesday so no can do on Farmer Ted!

Head Pin said...

Hope you all had fun at Farmer Teds? I've been making tea today as well for window fitters.
Hope Bec's exam went well.