They finished up with their cleaning yesterday morning, and apart from coming in 3 weeks with a new door lock, they are done.
In a weird, sadistic, sort of a way, I think I will miss them. It nice to have someone to say "hello" to in the hallway, and have a brief chat with. But as my title suggests, I shall not miss the dust. I have heard from various sources that I shall be finding it for a looooooong time.
Pics to follow when the camera is charged... because that arrived just now. double YAY.
I've got to go and make an early lunch so I can head of for Physics at 12.45. I'm not totally sure, but I think something might me "up" Our tutor didn't turn up yesterday, and hadn't phoned in. That is not good practice in ANY job. Update on that to follow.
And finally, as promised, some pics of the children on their new bikes. They aren't ideal as the camera battery was about to die, and I only got a few before it went.
better get that house clean- you're hosting a party soon!! The trike looks great. Squidge has one that i picked up at the NNS in Wilmslow last year and she loves it! I just wheel her around the neighborhood, snapping photos as I go! I can't wait to be nosey and take a look at the house.
Woooohooooo you must be so so pleased! I can't wait for a sneaky peek at the house too!
Their bikes look great.
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