Monday, 30 June 2008

General Update ( a bit random by the end)

1. Wardrobe is ordered. Thank feck for that. Unfortunately we have to wait until September, but we got a lovely 10 percent off which was a great help. Thank you Byrney.

2. House is still not decorated, but we (the royal we... ie Span) are getting there. Doors are being painted, colours chosen (slowly) It is so slow as we seem to be doing something, all the time!

I seem to have less and less time to do things these days, hence the lack of blogging. I am now attacking the weight loss again, and now attend Aqua with Lindy. I enjoy it, but it eats into my evenings. I have created a personal challenge for myself. 25 by 25 in 26. I thought of it on 25th June (squidge's birthday) and decided I shall try to lose the 25lbs by Christmas day which is 26 weeks away. It isn't going to be easy, but I want to give it a go. I shall keep you updated!

I've got my Manchester Leisure Pass so I can get some money off at some classes so that might motivate me a little more. I definitely want to lose 10lb by the time I get to University. Bring. It. On.

We have so many fab things to look forward to over the next month or two, and all our weekends are packed. I wouldn't have it any other way. The decorating will have to wait.

3. I'm hooked on Big Brother. It is rubbish, but I still watch it. Why is that?

I'm also re-hooked on Without a Trace. I'm yet to see a bad episode.

4. There was this lady at Aqua tonight who was so brown (from tanning on holiday, apparently) and it looked reeeaaalllllly weird.

1 comment:

Lindy said...

HA! I told Wal about that woman!! She did look really really reeeeeeeally weird. Every time I looked at her it started me a bit.