What with our glut of strawberries I decided to cook a strawberry tart recipe that I had found on the BBC food website. I had all the ingredients, and what with my meal planning (and thus food buying to accomodate) I didn't want to buy any more, so kept to something I could do.
The recipe is from here http://www.bbc.co.uk/food/recipes/database/strawberrytart_74752.shtml
30g/1oz caster sugar
110g/4oz strawberries, hulled and cut in half drizzle of balsamic vinegar
round of rolled shortcrust pastry (approx. 12cm/5in diameter)
1. Preheat the oven to 220C/425F/Gas 7.
2. Heat the sugar in a pan until a caramel has formed. Add the strawberries, shaking the pan to coat.
3. Drizzle balsamic vinegar onto the pastry and then top with the caramelised strawberries.
4. Place on a baking tray and bake in the oven for 6-8 minutes, or until the pastry is crisp and golden.
Looks nice and simple, doesn't it.
Except, I don't think one bit worked!
The sugar melted as expected, but when I added the strawberries, it cooled the sugar down to such a degree that it hardened into one lump. This then stuck to my spoon. This also meant that my strawberries and sauce had no sweetness.
Then, where on the recipe is the bit about baking blind?? huh, huh? It wasn't there so I didn't precook. So the pastry was raw in the middle.
Next, it wanted the tart to be 12cm diameter, for one. That is a BIG tart. And what about pastry cases? No mention of that either.
So, you will see from the picture that they look quite nice, but they tasted like shite. Ah well. I have learnt my lesson and have found a simple recipe for tart in a Take a Break that I saved. I will check the ingredients and make sure I have them in for the day after our next picking trip!!
I did have some success though. We've just finished lunch and I made a recipe that my mother-in-law found years ago. It was lovely.
It is Chocolate up and over pudding, and was delicious.
My beautiful up-and-over pud.
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