I got a conditional offer for university last week. I need to work hard on my Physics though, as I need a B to get in.
Its proving very hard. I am trying to learn a little at home but I am finding it so difficult. My Maths is lacking and I am struggling with equations, formulas, theory.. the whole damn thing. Bah
My tutor thinks I can get an A, which is positive, but I am afraid I am not so sure. I have just under two months until my first module test. Fingers crossed I can manage it by then.
The children are fine. Jas is saying a few words which is ultra cute and Oz is a legend.
They have been with their Nanny and Grandad all day today, so I got a lie-in, shopping and some work done. Bliss, but I did miss them like crazy.
I bought a few bits and pieces, but not as much as I would have liked. I wanted to revamp my tops, but couldn't fine quite what I was looking for. I quite liked Marks and Spencers and Debenhams. I had a look at GAP for children's stuff (the stuff for me wasn't quite what I wanted) and the prices were far too high for my liking. Yikes. Lovely stuff, but too high a price. I will have to wait for a lottery win, especially if I go back to college, what with childcare costs, travel and expenses....
No photos today. I'm on the laptop, avoiding doing Span's expenses!!