This is my new bag. It is actually purple, but the light was crap when I took the pic. I heart this bag, very much and it wasn't too pricey either, at £12.75 from Paperchase.
This is a photo of a Sudoku I did while in labour, nearly 15 months ago. I was woken at 12.45 by a contraction. I decided that I should time contractions, but to take my mind off it, I decided to do a puzzle while I waited. The puzzle was in a booklet from the Guardian. The puzzles were fecking hard, but I could just about cope with one of these. I took a photo of it yesterday, as I was having a clearout and wanted to throw the thing away.
As you can tell, my writing got worse as the contractions got closer together. I have to admit that the writing was partly bad because I was lying down and couldn't face moving.
Soon after this, I gave up, went for a bath and then woke up Span saying that I thought that it was it, Jas arrived 11.17am.
I told you it was random!
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