Monday, 15 October 2007

Label laughs

So, our new labels for the children's clothes arrived today. I was so excited. They are iron on, so supposedly no sewing for me. Not that I mind, it just takes FOREVER!

So, anyway. I thought I would do Oscar's coat, ready for nursery tommorow. WHAT A DISASTER. I put it on the wrong bit and so in 20 secs I managed to melt the material AND damage the iron. Span had to clean all the crap off, so he can iron his shirt next time.

Can you tell I don't iron?

Then, I asked him to do the children's clothes for tomorrow. I was expecting him to do just the trousers and tops for Os, but he did the lot, including socks and tights. How funny. I had to explain that it is proably cheaper just to buy a new pair of socks....

Its a good job I ordered 144 for each child.

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