Just a pretty normal day today. I just had some nice photos to show off. I am a domestic goddess (in making)
The first two are Jas and Os just looking lovely. Please excuse the snot trails. My children are so classy...
Jas was moaning while I was cooking pie (see later) and when it went quiet, this is what I found! he he. So I carted her off to dreamland.
And this was the wonderful way I found her after I had changed Oscar's nappy. How beautiful. She just looked so so gorgeous and my heart melted.
This is part of a jigsaw my parents got me aaaaages ago, for a christmas present (I think xmas 2005) and it is an Ordnance Survey map with my postcode in the centre. I had great fun. A great way to be peaceful and relax.
This is me ( a rare, semi-good pic of me) I have a sling... The Ergo. It is functional and comfortable, but not quite as beautiful as others. (see babyhawk and Mei-tai for glamourous ones) I suppose its a lot like me. Fuctional and not glamourous!
Oscar asked to go in it today. Thank goodness it was only to get him to the local toddler group. My legs were giving way by the time we got there.
Tomorrow is a longer walk. I am not looking forward to the tantrum...
And this is THE pie. I made Chicken and Asparagus Pie today. I made the pastry on my own. (with the help of my mum's foolproof food-processor recipe) And the filling was dead easy, but all the bits had to be cooked beforehand, which is was difficult. It went down well, but is quite heavy. Will definitely do it for my sis as it is her favourite.
Isn't it the best feeling ever when they're all excited to see you??!!
yummy, I love that you have your initial on the pie!! looks better than the cold cereal I had for dinner!
Hiya I just tagged you for a meme. Head over to my blog to see. Sorry, I had to list 8 people and I don't KNOW 8 blogger people!
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