Wednesday, 30 May 2007

General catch up

No Day in the life just yet.

All the links were wrong, so I can't be bothered to change them right now. It wasn't that interesting anyway! he he

Had a good weekend in London. Got MORE Car Boot wonders. I am such a CB Slut.

I got a Maclaren stroller for £4. Superb for our hols. I am so happy. I also got some lovely ladybird books so so cheap, I ALMOST felt guilty.

IT was a cold cold day, but good fun.

Sunday was spent relaxing and then Span and I went to my friend's birthday party, right by the Thames, at Zubaida bar, right by Southwark Bridge. It was expensive but so so nice to do something completely different. We had slightly sore heads the next day, but all was well.

Oz had a party on Monday and we just about managed to get back in time for that. He had a great time, and it was a great party.

I'm off to Paris on Friday morning. Its not been the best week, so hopefully it will improve then. I keep flitting between being happy about it, then so sad that I won't see the children until Monday. I hope I cope.

Oz has been slightly potty training this week. It has been better than I expected but to be honset, I was dreading it.

We've only had one plop, and what a hyyyuuugge one that was. We suspect he had been holding it in.

We all get a few days off now, what with Nursery and trips away. Phew!

Big Brother starts today. I'll be off to watch it after The Apprentice has finished, on Skyplus. My summer is gone! he he

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