Wednesday, 31 October 2007

Can you spot the difference?

Well, can you? ;)

I deliberately took the one of Jasmine, and recently actually compared the two!

Just some pictures

I never seem to find time to Blog properly, so I guess its best just to show some pictures.

Oscar and Jasmine are doing just fine. We have a couple of words from Jasmine now. She says naaaaaaaaa, gives kisses and seems to understand a lot. Her current obsessions are the toy buggy, keys, mobile phones, climbing and remotes.

Oscar is a bit whiney. This does tend to drive me crazy, subconsciously I am sure this in intentional. I am trying to be the "better person" (isn't that my job?!) I hope this phase ends soon. Other than that, he is wonderful, and currently in love with his Cash Register and In The Night Garden

Wednesday, 17 October 2007

Some slightly more random pictures

This is my new bag. It is actually purple, but the light was crap when I took the pic. I heart this bag, very much and it wasn't too pricey either, at £12.75 from Paperchase.

This is a photo of a Sudoku I did while in labour, nearly 15 months ago. I was woken at 12.45 by a contraction. I decided that I should time contractions, but to take my mind off it, I decided to do a puzzle while I waited. The puzzle was in a booklet from the Guardian. The puzzles were fecking hard, but I could just about cope with one of these. I took a photo of it yesterday, as I was having a clearout and wanted to throw the thing away.

As you can tell, my writing got worse as the contractions got closer together. I have to admit that the writing was partly bad because I was lying down and couldn't face moving.

Soon after this, I gave up, went for a bath and then woke up Span saying that I thought that it was it, Jas arrived 11.17am.

I told you it was random!

Picture time

It's been a while. I've NO idea who views these pics, but hey... thought it was time for a proper update.

This week's themes are mostly park related. I took photos off the camera today to find pics at The Park. Those being Harrow Rec, near where my parents now live, Didsbury Park, and Wythenshawe Park.

Monday, 15 October 2007

Label laughs

So, our new labels for the children's clothes arrived today. I was so excited. They are iron on, so supposedly no sewing for me. Not that I mind, it just takes FOREVER!

So, anyway. I thought I would do Oscar's coat, ready for nursery tommorow. WHAT A DISASTER. I put it on the wrong bit and so in 20 secs I managed to melt the material AND damage the iron. Span had to clean all the crap off, so he can iron his shirt next time.

Can you tell I don't iron?

Then, I asked him to do the children's clothes for tomorrow. I was expecting him to do just the trousers and tops for Os, but he did the lot, including socks and tights. How funny. I had to explain that it is proably cheaper just to buy a new pair of socks....

Its a good job I ordered 144 for each child.

Sunday, 14 October 2007

Just checking in

I haven't had much time or inspiration for my blog recently.

Last week was completely written off by having a horrible throat infection AGAIN. I could not swallow without it being complete agony. I hope that NEVER comes back again. Yuck.

Oz and Jas are doing just fine. We think Oscar is fully Potty Trained now. In fact, make that TOILET trained. We haven't used the potty for a week now. Woo peeee dooo.

Jas is as cute as ever. I think her first word is nearly there. Her response to "can you say ......?" is "Daaaaaaa" But I'm not sure that counts!

I've finished my German, but now cracking on with Physics. Its so hard. I ended up in tears tonight with the problem that Span couldn't explain to me. How embarrassing.
I will plod on though. It is worth it in the end.

Here are a couple of pics of the children.

We've had a nice quiet weekend. We went up to town yesterday morning for the first time in ages and I loved just having a potter around. I bought a lovely new bag in Paperchase. It was only £12.75 and bright and spotty. I love it. I also had disappointment at Pumpkin Patch as I bought some lovely trousers for Jas, but they don't fit properly.

I've developed a bit of a thing for Cafe Nero coffee so I ended the trip there, and met Span and Oz (I had Jas) at the station. Cabin fever had hit after the throat thing, so a trip out was great!