Saturday, 26 April 2008

Not too overhung

Which is fantastic. I am SO glad that I managed to avoid getting too ill! I downed 2 pints of water before I went to bed, so hopefully that helped.

The benefit of no hangover was that we have been to get the children some bikes. It was a lot easier than we thought to find them. We got them at Decathlon, and Jas's was under £20. Pics will obviously follow, but not yet. We had to put the bikes together, and despite my severe short patience I did it relatively quickly.

Jas had a Heeyuge tantrum in the shop because I took the football away to be paid for. Oh. My. God. She screamed ALL the way home. Needless to say, she is now asleep.

At one point, she was making a fuss, so I went through the exit doors and waited for her to come. Unfortunately, she didn't and the automatic doors shut. But, because she is so little she didn't set the sensors off to open the door again! So, she was crying one side of the door, and I was standing relatively helplessly on the other. I didn't want to leave in case she went into further meltdown!

Thankfully, Decathlon was busy, so someone soon came out and activated the doors! Failing that I would have got someone to go round to set them open. And Jas was so distraught anyway, she didn't panic. So, once the children wake, we'll take them for a little ride on their new toys. :)


Lindy said...

It was probably the water and the pre pub curry!! I felt pretty good this morning myself. Can't wait to see photos of the bikes. Squidge's godmother wants to buy her a bike for her birthday so I'll be curious to see how Jas likes hers.

Head Pin said...

Bikes..Ooo brilliant, Caitlin loves hers even if she can't pedal it!!
Glad you've not got a hangover but that does worry me that you didn't try hard enough!!!!