Sunday, 22 June 2008

I'm still here!

And I keep meaning to update about our hols, but its getting so hard to find the time. I was out 4 nights last week. Sadly, not having oodles of fun, but Brownies, Aqua, Babysitting and THEN a night out.

And this weekend we have been mostly tidying, clearing out, sorting, attempting to Ebay, reloading the loft, generally getting things sorted.

I find that one way I clear up is to just put things in the room they belong, to start with, usually by just chucking it in. Then, once that is done, actually put the stuff away. Needless to say, most of the junk is the children's so its usually their rooms with the biggest piles!

I sorted their toys out as well, and had "toy rage" which is when I just can't work out what to put away, realise there is a load of crap, and it is ALL in the wrong place. Hopefully, it will be a little more organised as I have put a lot away this time.

I also made a Pineapple Upside Down cake today. It was so heavy, and more pudding like than I expected but very nice, and I did get pics. I'll update ASAP with holiday pictures, and then with my cooking photos (I also did a Beef Cobbler with pics, which was tasty)

My latest fad is meal planning. I am trying to prevent wastage, and only buying exactly what we need. I don't think we'll actually save much money, but we'll see. I have started a spreadsheet to see how much we spend on food. Hopefully I'll remember to update on that in the future. I bought a new cookbook which is ideal for easy, cheap and different meals. I'm aiming to use it at least once a week, to try and expant our regular meals a little. I felt like I was using tinned toms ALL the time. Any good ones will appear on here!

I think its bedtime now though, so further musings will have to wait!


Head Pin said...

I occasionally do meal planning and it saves LOADS of money and time!! I should do it more often but I end up doing 2 weeks then forgetting to plan! Also Richard doesn't like my plans food isn't spicey enough!!

Lindy said...

I keep telling myself I'm going to do meal planning but never do. I'm sure it would save loads of money.
I have a fantastic recipe Richard will love if he likes spicey food. One day when I have a 'real' house I'll have to invite you guys over for dinner.