Sunday 6 July 2008

Strawberry Picking

Last Wednesday we went strawberry picking at Kenyon Hall Farm. The farm also runs Northern Harvest who deliver our fruit and veg box etc every week, so it was nice to be able to see where it all starts from!

We had a great day, picking (and nibbling) on gorgeous strawberries. I must admit, that the children ate more than they picked, but I managed to pick £7.50 worth of them and they were all gone within two days!

The farm was brilliant, and considering I was worried there might not be any left, I was amazed at how many strawberries they actually have! As far as I could tell, there were 3 whole fields, a lot of which probably haven't been tapped into as yet, especially as the weather isn't exactly condusive to being outside!

After we picked the strawberries we had a lovely picnic with our friends and a mooch around the fields where we found a tractor and trailer, whose wheels caused great excitement!

And all this was 25 mins drive away. I will definitely be going again soon.


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Head Pin said...

Ooo looks like a good day. Not sure about your tarts with the loot though lol!!!

Anonymous said...

We must go strawberry picking again soon! Martine x