Tuesday 14 August 2007

Potty time tales

Well, what a week. After a few diabolical attempts at potty training, I tried last week.

Tuesday I went to Teddy's and took the potty, and Oscar in pants... and he did wee after wee after wee, all on the potty. He was covered in stickers.

Then we tried tentatively on Wednesday, and again, plenty of wees. He even did a wee on the potty at the park. Now, that was a smidge embarrassing, but WHO CARES!!

On Thursday, I sent him to nursery in pants, but as expected, he only lasted an hour. He is so so busy and entertained at nursery that it is very hard for them.

Friday, we came to London, so he was in a nappy for the journey, but he did do a big wee when we stopped. And so it goes on. He has had NO wee accidents while not in nappies, since nursery. I am AMAZED. My little boy is growing up so fast! He even managed plops on the potty yesterday, which was more than a surprise! YAY.

I never thought poos would make me SO happy. :) Long may it continue.

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