Tuesday 15 April 2008

From the ridiculous to the sublime


I watched this show "Chinese School" just now, on BBC4.

It was excellent and from my point of view, an excellent insight into life in China, away from Hong Kong and the other big cities.

Their children work SO hard, and are put under so much intense pressure when they sit their exams. I honestly thought A levels were hard! They are nothing compared to the Chinese exams. One girl took part in a Speech writing competition, and her English was embarassingly good. And, the day after they finished the exams, they had to go in to school and sit there and go through the answer sheets and decide how well they thought they had done. Surely that would be torturous as your mind plays tricks with you after any exam!?? The girl who did best in the whole region (94odd%) was in tears at all her mistakes.... That cannot be right, poor thing. But the marks they come up are given to prospective universities, so they must be very important!

They also showed some younger children in the towns schools, who are seriously cute, and come out with some wonderful things. However, they do go to a boarding school, and my heart was breaking for the youngsters being away from their parents for so long. I just couldn't do it. I think I might just be ready once they are 18!!!!

I would recommend the series to anyone, and it should be on BBCIPlayer. (Have you discovered this? It is brilliant.

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